I agree too automatic shutdown of the engine is very bad idea.
I hope mitsubishi will get back on their gdi engines. those engines idle at very low rpm(650-700), making then more economical in city' s. Those engines do use 15% less fuel then other cars of that time(late ninetees). Also the direct injection gives a lot of torgue at low rpm' s making it very nice to drive with. Even today, those cars are still more economical then new cars of same type and size. For example, Toyota prius is only more ecomomical because of its ugly super streamlined design and narrow extra-low-resistence-tyres, the engine/hybrid system itself is worse then the 1.8 gdi engine of mitsubishi.
The downside was, the gdi engines need high quality petrol, which made them inpopular in Netherlands due to crazy tax systems on anything which has something to do with cars.
So, all those fancy systems are just a complete waste of money, its all about the engine.
hybrid-systems, automatic shutdowns, feedback systems, are a complete waste of resources and are very bad to the enviroment due to very dirty production. Often it is said this is countered with reclycling. But a normal car gets also for 95+% recycled too..
But ontopic:-) Some agree automatic shut off in lfs should stay in lfs, some don' t care at all, and some people agree with me.
It will be up to scawen

i think